Hello We are EXSCAPE

A New Reality

Exscape | Experience A New Reality

A metaverse-based social network where users can interact with each other through highly immersive and interactive virtual environments.

A new world of possibilities

Form virtual communities, play games, listen to music, watch videos, discover new places, share experiences, transact and engage in social activities like never before.

Exscape’s platform is connecting users, creators and brands, with a backend management system leveraging blockchain technology, decentralized identity, and smart contracts focused on creating a shared economic model.

Meet your digital self

Meet your digital self

Simple avatar creation by uploading a selfie and let the AI do the magic.

Your virtual playground

Your virtual playground

Communitiy rooms for Music and entertainment, gaming and education.

A new level of engagement

A new level of engagement

Make friends and interact together.

Create your avatar to exscape

Throughout human history, how individuals communicate, engage, discover, learn, transact, and access services have undergone significant changes. Your journey starts with your digital twin. Customize your avatar to your preferences.

Join the communities you feel close to

Exscapes metaverse represents a breakthrough in technology and the digital world, as it seamlessly blends virtual and physical realities into a shared and persistent online space. Exscape is offering limitless new opportunities and experiences for both consumers and businesses alike.

Interact and Enjoy your new world

Make new friends and interact in fundamentally new ways with your own community. Play games together and play and grow your followers base.

Business transactions redefined

Discover new ways to acquire NFTs and other virtual assets. Join Exscape to discover interesting earning opportunities in an ever changing world.

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Please join the Exscape community to ask questions directly.

Exscape.io is a metaverse social media platform based in the UAE. It allows users to create avatars, explore virtual worlds, connect with others, and engage in a wide range of activities and experiences.

We take the security of your personal information seriously and use industry-standard measures to protect it. However, no system is completely foolproof, so we cannot guarantee 100% security. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.

Yes, you can access Exscape.io on mobile devices by using a web browser. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox for the best experience.

If you have a problem with Exscape.io, you can contact our support team by using the "Contact Us" button on the homepage or by emailing support@exscape.io. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.